1. What is the principal carbohydrate in the milks of all mammals?
d. Fructose
2. Percentage of water in buffalo milk is:-
3. Soft fats in milk fat are:-
a. Lauric & Stearic
b. Capric & Lauric
c. Oleic & Butyric
d. Oleic & Lauric
4. Principal protein in milk is:-
b. Lactalbumin
d. Lactoglobulin
5. Percentage of mineral matter in milk is about :-
6. Whey is the by-product in the manufacture of:-
a. Skimmed milk
7. Example of soft cheese is:-
8. Which one of the following is not fermented beverages?
c. Buttermilk
9. How many indigenous enzymes have been reported in bovine milk?
10. Destruction of which enzyme is used as an index of super-HTST pasteurization?
a. Catalase
c. Lactoperoxidase
d. All of the above
11. Rennet belongs to:-
b. Catalase
c. Proteinases
d. Phosphatases
12. Temperature used in UHT treatment is:-
b. 100-120 °C
c. 120-125 °C
d. 130-140 °C
13. Lactose is disaccharide containing:-
a. Glucose & Fructose
b. Glucose & Glactose
c. Glucose & Glucose
d. Glucose & Maltose
14. CaCl2 is added at the rate of:-
15. Which one is used as an emulsifying agent in process cheese blend?
c. Glycerides
d. Whay Powder
16. Milk is an emulsion :-
a. Oil-in-Water
b. Water-in-Oil
c. Oil-in-Oil
d. Oil-in-Starch
17. Normal bovine milk contains protein about
18. The aim of pasteurization milk is to:-
a. Improve flavor
b. Kill disease-producing organisms
c. Improve color
d. None of the above
19. People with high blood pressure or edema are advised to take:-
a. Multivitamin Mineral Milk
b. Low Sodium Milk
c. Sterile Milk
d. Low Lactose Milk
20. Evaporated milk is concentrated to approximately what times the solid of normal
whole milk?
a. 2.25 times
b. 6.25 times
d. 8.5 times
Detailed Syllabus Technical Superintendent Milma Kerala milk Marketing Federation Ltd